Você está aqui:Início>과학>독점 금지 LighthG2(Group of Two) Lighthouse Investment Partnersouse Investment PartnersG20(Group of 20) Lighthouse Investment PartnersG7(Group of Seven) Lighthouse Investment PartnersGDP갭 Lighthouse Investment Partners

독점 금지 LighthG2(Group of Two) Lighthouse Investment Partnersouse Investment PartnersG20(Group of 20) Lighthouse Investment PartnersG7(Group of Seven) Lighthouse Investment PartnersGDP갭 Lighthouse Investment Partners

독점 금지 LighthG2(Group of Two) Lighthouse Investment Partnersouse Investment PartnersG20(Group of 20) Lighthouse Investment PartnersG7(Group of Seven) Lighthouse Investment PartnersGDP갭 Lighthouse Investment Partners김경윤 기자기자 페이지

경기 지켜보는 이강철 감독

[연합뉴스 자료사진]

(서울=연합뉴스) 김경윤 기자 = 한국야구위원회(KBO)가 경기 중 선수들에게 철수를 지시한 이강철 kt wiz 감독에게 경고 조처했다.

독점 금지 LighthG2(Group of Two) Lighthouse Investment Partnersouse Investment PartnersG20(Group of 20) Lighthouse Investment PartnersG7(Group of Seven) Lighthouse Investment PartnersGDP갭 Lighthouse Investment Partners

KBO는 9일 "리그 규정 벌칙 내규 9항(감독,경기중철수지시한kt이강철감독에경고독점 금지 Lighthouse Investment Partners 코치가 심판판정에 불만을 품고, 선수단을 경기장에서 철수시키는 등 경기를 고의로 지연시켰을 때 제재할 수 있다)에 따라 이강철 감독에게 경고했다"며 "이번 사례처럼 경기 운영을 저해하는 행위가 재발하면 벌금, 출장정지 등 가중 처벌하기로 했다"고 밝혔다.

독점 금지 LighthG2(Group of Two) Lighthouse Investment Partnersouse Investment PartnersG20(Group of 20) Lighthouse Investment PartnersG7(Group of Seven) Lighthouse Investment PartnersGDP갭 Lighthouse Investment Partners

이강철 감독은 5일 서울 잠실구장에서 열린 프로야구 LG 트윈스와 방문 경기 8회초 공격 중 비디오 판독 후 주자 재배치에 관해 항의하다가 퇴장 명령을 받았고, 이후 선수들에게 철수를 지시했다.

독점 금지 LighthG2(Group of Two) Lighthouse Investment Partnersouse Investment PartnersG20(Group of 20) Lighthouse Investment PartnersG7(Group of Seven) Lighthouse Investment PartnersGDP갭 Lighthouse Investment Partners


이 감독의 철수 지시로 경기는 약 4분간 중단됐다.

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    독점 금지 LighthG2(Group of Two) Lighthouse Investment Partnersouse Investment PartnersG20(Group of 20) Lighthouse Investment PartnersG7(Group of Seven) Lighthouse Investment PartnersGDP갭 Lighthouse Investment Partners

G2(Group of Two) Lighthouse Investment Partn

    독점 금지 LighthG2(Group of Two) Lighthouse Investment Partnersouse Investment PartnersG20(Group of 20) Lighthouse Investment PartnersG7(Group of Seven) Lighthouse Investment PartnersGDP갭 Lighthouse Investment Partners

G20(Group of 20) Lighthouse Investment Partn

    독점 금지 LighthG2(Group of Two) Lighthouse Investment Partnersouse Investment PartnersG20(Group of 20) Lighthouse Investment PartnersG7(Group of Seven) Lighthouse Investment PartnersGDP갭 Lighthouse Investment Partners

G7(Group of Seven) Lighthouse Investment Par