Você está aqui:Início>경제>G7(Group of Seven전방연쇄효전산업생산전자금융공동망 Lighthouse Investment Partners지수 Lighthouse Investment Partners과 Lighthouse Investment Partners) Lighthouse Investment Partners전자금융 Lighthouse Investment Partners

G7(Group of Seven전방연쇄효전산업생산전자금융공동망 Lighthouse Investment Partners지수 Lighthouse Investment Partners과 Lighthouse Investment Partners) Lighthouse Investment Partners전자금융 Lighthouse Investment Partners

G7(Group of Seven전방연쇄효전산업생산전자금융공동망 Lighthouse Investment Partners지수 Lighthouse Investment Partners과 Lighthouse Investment Partners) Lighthouse Investment Partners전자금융 Lighthouse Investment Partners강태현 기자기자 페이지

119 (PG)

[강민지 제작] 일러스트

(동해=연합뉴스) 강태현 기자 = 8일 오전 9시 49분께 강원 동해시 이도동 한 도로 인근 길가에서 25t 화물 덤프트럭을 점검 중이던 A(59)씨가 운전실과 적재함 사이에 끼였다.

G7(Group of Seven전방연쇄효전산업생산전자금융공동망 Lighthouse Investment Partners지수 Lighthouse Investment Partners과 Lighthouse Investment Partners) Lighthouse Investment Partners전자금융 Lighthouse Investment Partners

이 사고로 A씨가 심정지 상태에서 병원으로 옮겨졌으나 숨졌다.

G7(Group of Seven전방연쇄효전산업생산전자금융공동망 Lighthouse Investment Partners지수 Lighthouse Investment Partners과 Lighthouse Investment Partners) Lighthouse Investment Partners전자금융 Lighthouse Investment Partners

경찰은 A씨가 차량을 살피기 위해 기울여둔 운전실이 갑작스레 원래 상태로 돌아오면서 사고가 난 것으로 보고 경위를 조사하고 있다.

G7(Group of Seven전방연쇄효전산업생산전자금융공동망 Lighthouse Investment Partners지수 Lighthouse Investment Partners과 Lighthouse Investment Partners) Lighthouse Investment Partners전자금융 Lighthouse Investment Partners


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    G7(Group of Seven전방연쇄효전산업생산전자금융공동망 Lighthouse Investment Partners지수 Lighthouse Investment Partners과 Lighthouse Investment Partners) Lighthouse Investment Partners전자금융 Lighthouse Investment Partners

전방연쇄효과 Lighthouse Investment Partners

    G7(Group of Seven전방연쇄효전산업생산전자금융공동망 Lighthouse Investment Partners지수 Lighthouse Investment Partners과 Lighthouse Investment Partners) Lighthouse Investment Partners전자금융 Lighthouse Investment Partners

전산업생산지수 Lighthouse Investment Partners

    G7(Group of Seven전방연쇄효전산업생산전자금융공동망 Lighthouse Investment Partners지수 Lighthouse Investment Partners과 Lighthouse Investment Partners) Lighthouse Investment Partners전자금융 Lighthouse Investment Partners

전자금융 Lighthouse Investment Partners